Health tips By Abi

How to get the six-pack of your dreams in just 7 minutes

Showing off a six-pack is one of the most common goals of those who go to the gym regularly. However, we must first keep in mind that getting visible abs requires having a very low percentage of fat, as well as working them in different ways. Many believe that they need to do exercises with large amounts of weight, but the truth is that a workout with equipment can also be just as effective. The one we propose today belongs to the YouTube channel ATHLEAN-X, it will only take us 7 minutes, and we can do it every day. Each exercise works a different part and movement pattern of the core. We must do them for 60 seconds, leaving 30 seconds of rest between them. The best abs workout 1. Reverse frog swipes Although its name sounds strange to us, it is a very effective exercise for the lower abdominal area, because we will be moving the pelvis towards the shoulders. We will have to lie down on the floor, with our knees bent and the soles of our feet together. Without moving our torso, we will have to make an effort to bring our pelvis towards our shoulders, trying not to make the movement with our legs. To make sure we are doing it correctly, we can try to pass our hands under our tailbone when doing the movement. If we can pass them without any impediment, we will be doing the exercise correctly. 2. Plank with trunk rotation and knee drive When defining our six-pack, it is also important to work the obliques, so we will have to incorporate exercises with rotation. We will get into a low plank position and rotate to one side, dropping the hips, but keeping the shoulders rigid. When returning to the initial position, we bring one of the knees towards the elbow; and then, we repeat with the other side, alternating each side. The rotation must be controlled at all times, trying not to swing. Only in this way will we be able to work the abdominal muscles in a deep way. The so-called knee drive will give us an extra point of intensity, especially in the lower part of the abs. 3. V-ups In this exercise, the purpose is to bring the upper and lower body closer together. We lie down completely stretched out, do a sit-up, also raising one of the legs and we must pass the arms behind that leg. We return to the initial position and repeat with the other leg and then do it with both at the same time. It is a very challenging and complicated movement. The most important thing is to do as many repetitions as we can, but it does not matter if we cannot complete the entire time we had proposed. We will just have to practice to do it better next time. 4. Sledgehammer or hammer exercise We will also work the obliques, because it includes a rotation movement, although we will activate the upper abs at the same time. We will have to lie down completely stretched out, with both hands together. We do a sit-up and, as we go up, we bring our arms with power to one of our sides, and we will alternate each side. We must try not to lift our legs off the ground at any time and use the momentum while we lower our arms to one of our sides, at the same time that we do the rotation movement. The pelvis must not move at any time. 5. Roll up Pilates is a very efficient discipline when it comes to working the core, so it is not surprising that one of its most basic exercises is included in this routine. Completely stretched, we will go up, squeezing the core until we touch our feet with our hands. When going down, we must do it slowly and in a controlled manner, to work the abs more. See the video on YouTube. With these challenging exercises, it is clear that we will be one step closer to achieving the six-pack of our dreams and acquiring more strength in the abs to improve our performance.